Colegio Científico Albert Einstein


En un mundo cada vez más globalizado, hablar inglés es una necesidad para poder comunicarse y acceder al mercado laboral. Al mismo tiempo, abre las puertas a más experiencias, por ejemplo, de tipo cultural.


Inglés – 3 Años

I Bimestre: “All About Me”

Semana 01: Greetings.
Semana 02: My name is…
Semana 03: I´m boy or girl?.
Semana 04: My emotions.
Semana 05: My favorite pet.
Semana 06: My toys.
Semana 07: My family.
Semana 08: My house – Parts of my house.
Semana 09: Examen bimestral.

II Bimestre: “Knowing My Body And Food”

Semana 11: My face.
Semana 12: My body.
Semana 13: My 5 senses.
Semana 14: Body actions.
Semana 15: Breakfast time.
Semana 16: Lunch time.
Semana 17: Dinner time.
Semana 18: Fruits.
Semana 19: Vegetables.
Semana 20: Examen bimestral.

III Bimestre: “Mathematics World”

Semana 23: Colors.
Semana 24: Shapes.
Semana 25: Geometric shapes objects.
Semana 26: Numbers: 1 to 5.
Semana 27: Shapes count.
Semana 28: Shapes pattern.
Semana 29: Left and right.
Semana 30: Preposition of place.
Semana 31: Examen bimestral.

IV Bimestre: “My Wonderful Nature”

Semana 33: Day and night.
Semana 34: The water / Uses of water.
Semana 35: Parts of plant.
Semana 36: Domestic animals.
Semana 37: Zoo animals.
Semana 38: Sea animals.
Semana 39: ESI AMLAT 2024.
Semana 40: Insects.
Semana 41: Examen bimestral.

Profesora: Fabiola Denisse Alvarez Rosales

Inglés – 4 Años

I Bimestre

Semana 01: Investigación formativa.
Semana 02: My name is.
Semana 03: Identify my self: Boy or girl.
Semana 04: Greetings / Hello, goodbye.
Semana 05: My emotions / Happy, sad, angry.
Semana 06: Colors: Black and white.
Semana 07: Shapes / Rectangle – Rhombus.
Semana 08: Geometric shapes objects / Drawings with geometric shapes.
Semana 09: Examen bimestral.

II Bimestre

Semana 11: Fruits (Apple, banana, orange, pear).
Semana 12: My house (Kitchen, bedroom, bathroom).
Semana 13: Girl’s cloth (Blouse, dress, skirt, shoes).
Semana 14: Breakfast time (Milk, cheese, bread, eggs).
Semana 15: My toys (Ball, teddy bear, doll).
Semana 16: Farm animals (Duck, pig, cow, sheep, horse).
Semana 17: Sports (Play volleyball, play football, swim).
Semana 18: My hands and my feet (Right / Left).
Semana 19: Numbers 5 – 10.
Semana 20: Examen bimestral.

III Bimestre

Semana 23: On under.
Semana 24: Boy´s cloth (Shirt, pants, cap, shoes).
Semana 25: Numbers 10 – 15.
Semana 26: Numbers 15 – 20.
Semana 27: Clothing counting (Shirt, pants, cap, shoes).
Semana 28: Lunch time (Soup, rice, chicken).
Semana 29: Vegetables.
Semana 30: Party food (Cake, candies, cookies, popcorn).
Semana 31: Examen bimestral.

IV Bimestre

Semana 33: My lunch box (Health, unhealthy).
Semana 34: Domestic animals (Cat, dog, parrot, duck).
Semana 35: Zoo animals (Tiger, lion, elephant).
Semana 36: Sea animals (Fish, shark, dolphin).
Semana 37: Prepositions of place.
Semana 38: Communication means (Tv, cellphone, radio).
Semana 39: ESI AMLAT 2024.
Semana 40: Transportation means (Ship, car, plane, train).
Semana 41: Examen bimestral.

Profesora: Yoselyn Milagros Aquino Gonzales
Código ORCID: 0000-0002-9187-6248

Inglés – 5 Años

I Bimestre

Semana 01: Investigación formativa.
Semana 02: Classroom objects.
Semana 03: Greetings.
Semana 04: Alphabet´s sound.
Semana 05: Action verbs.
Semana 06: Parts of the body and face.
Semana 07: Colors (red, blue, green, yellow).
Semana 08: Feelings (happy – sad – angry, scared).
Semana 09: Examen bimestral.

II Bimestre

Semana 11: Values: Lending / Sharing / Be nice to friends.
Semana 12: House.
Semana 13: Action verbs.
Semana 14: Prepositions: in /on/under.
Semana 15: Numbers: 1 to 10
Semana 16: Weather (rainy, windy, sunny, hot, cold, snowy).
Semana 17: Fruit, drinks and vegetables.
Semana 18: Phoneme /y/ /c/ /k/.
Semana 19: Values: Listening to other people / Eating sensibly.
Semana 20: Examen bimestral.

III Bimestre

Semana 23: Jobs.
Semana 24: Clothes.
Semana 25: Animals.
Semana 26: Shapes Actions verbs.
Semana 27: (Circle – square – triangle).
Semana 28: Phoneme /g/ /z/.
Semana 29: 2° Encuentro de Círculos y Semilleros de Investigación.
Semana 30: Values: Tidying up! / Paying compliments.
Semana 31: Examen bimestral.

IV Bimestre

Semana 33: Toys.
Semana 34: Transports.
Semana 35: Sizes (big – small).
Semana 36: Shapes (circle – square – triangle – rectangle).
Semana 37: Town (Places).
Semana 38: Phoneme /ng/ /Alphabet/.
Semana 39: ESI AMLAT 2024. Action verbs.
Semana 40: Values: Working together / Saying thank you.
Semana 41: Examen bimestral.

Profesora: Vannya Alessandra Mamani Zambrano
Código ORCID: 0009-0006-2644-3311


Inglés – 1° Primaria

I Bimestre

Semana 01: Investigación formativa.
Semana 02: Greetings.
Semana 03: Action verbs 1
Semana 04: Colors and numbers (1 – 20).
Semana 05: Numbers (20 – 100).
Semana 06: Personal pronouns.
Semana 07: Verb to be.
Semana 08: Body parts and senses.
Semana 09: Examen bimestral.

II Bimestre

Semana 11: Have got / Has got (positive and negatives sentences).
Semana 12: Have got / Has got (question and answer).
Semana 13: Animals.
Semana 14: Animal’s body parts.
Semana 15: Verb can (positive and negative).
Semana 16: Verb can (question and answer).
Semana 17: Feelings.
Semana 18: Family members.
Semana 19: Adjectives.
Semana 20: Examen bimestral.

III Bimestre

Semana 23: School supplies.
Semana 24: This / That.
Semana 25: These / Those.
Semana 26: Types of weather.
Semana 27: Clothes.
Semana 28: Food.
Semana 29: 2° Encuentro de Círculos y Semilleros de Investigación.
Semana 30: Likes and dislikes.
Semana 31: Examen bimestral.

IV Bimestre

Semana 33: Toys.
Semana 34: Preposition of place.
Semana 35: Actions verbs 2.
Semana 36: Present simple afirmative.
Semana 37: Present simple negative.
Semana 38: Present simple (question and answer).
Semana 39: ESI AMLAT 2024.
Semana 40: Projects.
Semana 41: Examen bimestral.

Profesora: Lázaro Martínez Maritere

Inglés – 2° Primaria

I Bimestre

Semana 01: Investigación formativa.
Semana 02: Greetings.
Semana 03: Action verbs 1
Semana 04: Rooms of the house.
Semana 05: Present simple question – Where’s she/he?.
Semana 06: Things of the house.
Semana 07: Preposition of place.
Semana 08: Verb to be is he/She (next) to…? Yes, he/she is – No, he/she isn’t.
Semana 09: Examen bimestral.

II Bimestre

Semana 11: Animals.
Semana 12: Possessions have got / Has got.
Semana 13: Pets.
Semana 14: What has she/he got? Has she/he got a (kitten)? Yes, she/he has – no, she/he hasn’t.
Semana 15: Clothing.
Semana 16: Present continuous: I’m/you’re wearing…
Semana 17: Items of clothing.
Semana 18: Is this your (coat)? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Semana 19: Weather.
Semana 20: Examen bimestral.

III Bimestre

Semana 23: Children games.
Semana 24: Simple present: Yes / No questions. (do you want to…?).
Semana 25: Sports.
Semana 26: Can / Can’t.
Semana 27: Health problems.
Semana 28: Present simple affirmative sentences: I’ve got a (headache).
Semana 29: 2° Encuentro de Círculos y Semilleros de Investigación.
Semana 30: Present simple yes/no question and answer: Have you got a headache?.
Semana 31: Examen bimestral.

IV Bimestre

Semana 33: Town places.
Semana 34: There is / There are (affirmative and negative).
Semana 35: There is / There are (yes/no question and answers).
Semana 36: Places to visit on holiday.
Semana 37: Giving directions.
Semana 38: Earth day.
Semana 39: ESI AMLAT 2024.
Semana 40: Projects.
Semana 41: Examen bimestral.

Profesora: Lázaro Martínez Maritere